Hi,I'm Alex

  • SAP HANA and S/4HANA - A simple guide

    by Alex Roan on Jun 3, 2020

    Recent years have seen a resurgence in large organisations taking on major SAP upgrades with the relatively new SAP business suite 4 HANA (S/4HANA) collection of applications. But what exactly is HANA? and what is S/4HANA? How is implementing or upgrading to it different from the R/3 upgrades that were significant programs for many organizations over the last few decades?

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  • Blockchain - how it works

    by Alex Roan on May 26, 2020

    Blockchain has been one of the most hyped technologies of the last decade thanks to the massive profits that were made from bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Despite a lot of of the smoke and mirrors that surrounds blockchain it is a fascinating technology.

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  • Can Big Business Cash In On Virtual Worlds?

    by Alex Roan on Jun 22, 2015

    $83,869,981 That is a big number. And surprisingly it is [the](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/funding-goals) amount of money that Chris Robert's computer game 'Star Citizen' has raised through crowd funding. You can pledge and buy the game for as little as $54, however if you are really into it and you have the money you can also buy ['The Completionist'](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Combos/The-Completionist-Digital) digital package for $18,000. What do you get for $18,000 - access to the game and pretty much all the spaceships created for the game to date. So that is $18,000 for digital spaceships in a game not yet completed. Note - you can also get all the spaceships just through playing the game.

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  • Snapchat for Product Launch or Project Status Reporting?

    by Alex Roan on Jun 22, 2015

    Casey Neistat on YouTube is one of my favourite channels. Casey is a self taught film maker based in New York. He frequently posts VLOGS (video logs) on youtube that offer a great insight into the lifestyle of a sociable guy who is really into creating and sharing video. I recently installed Snapchat on my phone after I heard Casey mention it in one of his YouTube VLOGS. In case you are not familiar with Snapchat, it allows you to share snaps; either photos or up to 10 second video clips, which then disapear after being viewed. One of the features of Snapchat is called stories, stories let users string snaps together to create a narrative that can be viewed for up to 24 hours.

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